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- Dros Foroedd Gwyllt
Dros Foroedd Gwyllt
Dros Foroedd Gwyllt
Yn ein thema, "Dros Foroedd Gwyllt," bydd eich plant yn cychwyn ar daith wefreiddiol ar draws Cymru a thu hwnt. Byddant yn treiddio i dudalennau "Wreck of the Zanzibar," gan danio eu dychymyg i lunio eu chwedlau rhyfeddol eu hunain.
Wedi'u harwain gan her gan y White Star Company, byddant yn dylunio cychod cynaliadwy ar gyfer y dyfodol, gan gyfuno arloesedd ag ymwybyddiaeth amgylcheddol. Bydd ymweliad â’r Amgueddfa Forwrol yn Lerpwl yn eu plymio i ddyfnderoedd hanes morwrol, gan gynnig cipolwg ar fywyd llong a mordeithiau’r gorffennol.
Ynghanol siantis môr bywiog a hanesion am ymfudo Cymreig i Batagonia, byddant yn archwilio straeon môr-ladron fel Barti Ddu a thrasiedi’r Titanic. Byddant yn datrys dirgelion esblygiad cychod, gan dreiddio i atebion ynni adnewyddadwy i yrru llongau i ddyfodol gwyrddach.
Gydag arweiniad gan ysgolion uwchradd lleol, byddant yn hogi eu sgiliau dylunio a pheirianneg, gan ymchwilio i godio i roi mantais ddigidol i'w cychod. Bydd tasgau cyfeiriannu yn hogi eu gallu llywio, tra bydd trafodaethau ar ffoaduriaid yn meithrin empathi a pharch at eraill.
Gan orffen eu taith, byddant yn rhoi eu cynlluniau cychod ar brawf ar y dŵr ac yn mentro i’r traeth i gael archwiliad ymarferol o ecosystemau arfordirol. Mae’r profiad dysgu trochi hwn yn addo tanio eu chwilfrydedd, ehangu eu gorwelion, a rhoi’r sgiliau iddynt ar gyfer heriau yfory.
Across the Wild Seas
In our theme, "Across the Wild Seas," your children will embark on a thrilling voyage spanning Wales and beyond. They will delve into the pages of "Wreck of the Zanzibar," sparking their imagination to craft their own fantastical tales.
Guided by a challenge from the White Star Company, they will design sustainable boats for the future, blending innovation with environmental consciousness. A visit to the Maritime Museum in Liverpool will plunge them into the depths of maritime history, offering insights into ship life and voyages of yesteryears.
Amidst lively sea shanties and tales of Welsh emigration to Patagonia, they will explore the stories of pirates like Barti Ddu and the tragedy of the Titanic. They will unravel the mysteries of boat evolution, delving into renewable energy solutions to propel ships into a greener future.
With guidance from local secondary schools, they will hone their design and engineering skills, delving into coding to give their vessels a digital edge. Orienteering tasks will sharpen their navigation prowess, while discussions on refugees will foster empathy and respect for others.
Culminating their journey, they will put their boat designs to the test on the water and venture to the beach for a hands-on exploration of coastal ecosystems. This immersive learning experience promises to ignite their curiosity, expand their horizons, and equip them with skills for the challenges of tomorrow.